31 employees found unregistered under TAP, SCP (26.07.2022)
 Posted on : Jul 27, 2022, 11:46AM   66 total views  Category : Local News

BY Lyna Mohamad

The Employees Trust Fund (TAP) enforcement officers recently visited business premises in Mukim Sengkurong.


During the three-day visit, the enforcement officers inspected 166 premises and found 31 local staff not registered under the TAP and Supplemental Contributory Pension (SCP) schemes.


Employers who failed to show the documents, were ordered to register their employees at the TAP office.


The agency reminded employers on their responsibility to register and pay contribution for local and permanent resident employees who are eligible for the compulsory TAP and SCP schemes.


Under Section 26 of the Employees Trust Act, if found guilty, employers will be fined no more than BND3,000 for first offence and no more than BND10,000 for second and following offences.


The visits are to ensure that the employers carry out their responsibility in registering and paying TAP and SCP contribution to their employees.


Complaints on unpaid contribution or those who have not been registered can be lodged at TAP branches or calling the TAP Call Centre at 2382929 during office hours.


Registered TAP members can forward their complaints by logging into their account at the TAP official website.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin