‘Nolle Prosequi’ entered in outrage of modesty case (18.08.2022)
 Posted on : Aug 19, 2022, 10:27AM   22 total views  Category : Local News

BY Fadley Faisal

Prosecutors have entered a Nolle Prosequi on all four charges of outraging the modesty of a minor boy, pressed against a former oil and gas employee.


All four counts under Section 354B of the Penal Code, were alleged to have occurred between 2016 and 2019 in the Belait District.


A Nolle Prosequi means that the prosecution intends not to proceed with the case for now, but may do so at any time in the future.


A ‘discharge not amounting to an acquittal’ was entered for each of the counts.


Intermediate Court Judge Pengiran Masni binti Pengiran Haji Bahar explained to the 58-year-old local man that he had not been acquitted of the four charges, and that he had not “succeeded” in the case against him, as the prosecution can at any time bring the same charges against him.


Prosecutor Atiyyah Abas prosecuted, while defence counsel Ahmad Zakaria Mohammad served as counsel for the defendant.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin