Contraband Bust (2022): Seized contraband disposed (18.08.2022)
 Posted on : Aug 19, 2022, 10:36AM   28 total views  Category : Local News

BY James Kon

A total of 99 cartons and one packet of cigarettes, as well as 64 cartons, 312 bottles and 20 cans of alcohol were destroyed by the Royal Customs and Excise Department (RCED) recently during its disposal activity.


The disposal of confiscated contraband, witnessed by Royal Brunei Police Force personnel and Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (JASTRe), was carried out using heavy machinery.


The RCED said that any confiscated goods or detention exceeding 30 days and any confiscated goods under a court order are under the authority of the Controller of the RCED to be disposed of in accordance with Chapter 131 and Chapter 132 of the Customs Order 2006.


Meanwhile, RCED’s Law Enforcement Division detained two men in possession of contraband during an operation in Jalan Mumong, Kuala Belait on August 11.


The suspects, a 46-year-old local and a 50-year-old permanent resident were allegedly found in possession of 76 cartons, 123 packets and 27 sticks of cigarettes as well as 58 bottles and 36 cans of alcohol.


The seized items and suspects were brought to the Law Enforcement Office for further investigation.


The public is advised to comply with the laws and regulations of the Sultanate. Engaging in smuggling activities and possessing contraband goods is an offence under Section 146 of the Excise Order 2006.


The agency also thanked members of the public for their cooperation by channelling information related to activities that violate the laws and regulations enforced by the RCED.


Information on smuggling activity or activities that violate Customs law can be forwarded to the RCED at 8714422 or 8721422.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin