Al-Quran as guiding light (01.09.2022)
 Posted on : Sep 2, 2022, 10:51AM   48 total views  Category : Local News

BY Azlan Othman

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam described Al-Quran and Islam as being the light that illuminates everything and protects the nation against elements of destruction, be it visible or invisible.


Delivering a titah during the finals of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults for 1443 Hijrah/2022 at the International Convention Centre in Berakas last night, the monarch cited examples of invisible elements as being ‘musuh dalam selimut’ and supernatural entities such as jinn and the devil.


Hence the finals were appropriately themed ‘Companionship with Al-Quran Throughout the Ages’, said His Majesty.


“‘Companionship with Al-Quran’ means having a strong connection with Al-Quran, taking it everywhere, reading it and practising its teaching, so that by the will of Allah the Almighty, we will be showered with blessings and assistance,” the monarch said.


His Majesty added, “With Allah the Almighty’s blessings, we were able to attend the finals of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults this year, which was held for the 63rd time. This would not be possible without Allah the Almighty’s permission and efforts from all levels, whether the government or society.”


The monarch also highlighted the need to strike a balance between efforts we inject into our worldly desires and those for the ukhrawi (hereafter).


Alhamdulillah, for centuries, we in this country have never sidelined Al-Quran and its teachings. In fact, we were enlightened by Al-Quran and the religion to the point where we were guided by Allah the Almighty to embrace the Islamic faith as the official religion. This is proof that embracing Al-Quran and the Islamic teachings have become the flesh and blood of Bruneians,” His Majesty said.


The monarch later presented prizes to the winners and participants.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin