Extended operating hours for land control posts start today (14.09.2022)
 Posted on : Sep 15, 2022, 11:35AM   23 total views  Category : Local News

BY Rokiah Mahmud

The operating hours for immigration control posts at the land border in the Sultanate is from 6am to 8pm, effective today.


This includes the Kuala Lurah Temporary Immigration Control Post; the Ujong Jalan Control and Inspection Complex and Labu Temporary Immigration Control Post, Temburong District; and Sungai Tujoh Immigration Control Post, Kuala Belait.


Those who intend to travel through the land control posts need to ensure their travel documents are valid at least three months before the expiry date with sufficient number of pages to avoid issues and difficulties when travelling abroad.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin