Supermarket fined for misleading price tags (05.10.2022)
 Posted on : Oct 6, 2022, 11:56AM   16 total views  Category : Local News

BY Azlan Othman

The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (JPES) at the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) issued a fine and two warnings to three businesses for not complying with Chapter 142 of the Price Control Act and its regulations.


JPES’ Consumer Affairs Department officials conducting daily checks found a supermarket with price tags not consistent with the prices in the point-of-sale (POS) system. It was issued a BND500 fine for an offence under Chapter 142 of the Price Control Act.


Two warnings were also issued at the end of September to two businesses for displaying misleading price signs.


Other than routine checks, JPES also receives complaints from customers through the PenggunaBijak app – which can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play, – Darussalam Line 123 and e-mails to


As of September, JPES received 62 per cent of complaints through Darussalam Line 123, 11 per cent through PenggunaBijak app and the rest through e-mails and other channels.


The department said complaints should include information and documents such as payment receipts and photos as evidence.


The public is also urged to practise smart consumerism by making price comparisons using PenggunaBijak app.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin