Water disruptions in Brunei-Muara, Belait (10.10.2022)
 Posted on : Oct 11, 2022, 11:12AM   75 total views  Category : Local News

Water disruptions will affect several areas in the Brunei-Muara and Belait districts, the Public Works Department (JKR), Ministry of Development announced on Monday.


The cleaning of Katok ‘A’ water tank commences at 9am today until works are completed. It will affect residents in Simpang 207, 215, 217, 241, 255, 273, 289, 305 Kampong Tungku Gadong, Simpang 355 STKRJ Kampong Katok ‘A’ and surrounding areas.


In the Belait District, emergency work repair is ongoing for a leakage on a 150mm ductile iron pipe near Simpang 3405, Jalan Labi, Belait District. Residents around Mukim Labi area will experience water disruptions, especially on higher ground.


Meanwhile, the replacing of 125mm PE water pipe at Simpang 81 and 87, Jalan Kecil Sungai Bakong Lumut, in the Belait District began on Monday.


Those experiencing water disruptions are advised to call the Darussalam Line 123 for water tanker requests or complaints related to water supply.


The JKR is taking steps to ensure that water supply will be back to normal as soon as possible.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin