Brunei-Muara may face water disruptions, says JKR (06.11.2022)
 Posted on : Nov 7, 2022, 12:18PM   25 total views  Category : Local News

BY Izah Azahari

The Brunei-Muara District may face water disruptions in a number of areas during the transition period of the monsoon season, said the Public Works Department (JKR) in a statement on Sunday.


The department said the potential disruptions would be due to frequency of flushing and purification activities at the Bukit Barun Water Treatment Plant to produce clean water, implemented to overcome frequent changes in the quality of raw water at Tutong River during this period.


The department advised the public to stockpile clean water, and for owners of home water tanks and filters to ensure equipment is always in a clean condition by carrying out ‘flushing’ and ‘backwashing’ routines. The department also called for the public to conserve water.


Complaints regarding the water supply can be made to Darussalam Line 123, Whatsapp 123 (8333123), Facebook: Jabatan Kerja Raya Brunei Darussalam or Instagram @JKRBRUNEI.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin