LegCo 2023: More than BND10 million tax dues collected (09.03.2023)
 Posted on : Mar 10, 2023, 10:50AM   28 total views  Category : Local News

BY Azlan Othman

The Municipal Department has collaborated with several government agencies, such as the Authority for Building Control and Construction Industry (ABCi), the Land Department at the Ministry of Development, Syariah Court Office, State Judiciary and the Heirs Registry Office at the High Court of Brunei to ensure building owners first settle their respective building tax dues before any related applications are allowed.


Since this initiative was implemented in August 2021 until January 31, 2023, more than BND10 million, which was 14.92 per cent of the total revenue dues (BND67 million), has been successfully collected.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin