In the Courts (2023): Foreigner gets jail, whippings for illegal entry (26.04.2023)
 Posted on : Apr 27, 2023, 11:19AM   39 total views  Category : Local News

BY Fadley Faisal

The Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday handed a sentence of three months’ jail with three whippings to an Indonesian who pleaded guilty to entering the Sultanate illegally.


Acting Senior Magistrate Dewi Norlelawati binti Haji Abdul Hamid heard from Immigration prosecutor Zul Azri Ranee that 29-year-old Agus Setiawan appeared along Jalan Sungai Enam at 8.19am on April 22 when he was approached by an immigration officer from the Sungai Tujoh Control Post.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin