No escape from climate change (27.04.2023)
 Posted on : Apr 28, 2023, 10:36AM   65 total views  Category : Local News

BY James Kon

Brunei Darussalam is not exempt from climate crisis’ effects with an average temperature raise of 0.25 degrees Celsius (˚C) per decade that may reach 4˚C by the end of the century, as well as monthly rainfalls increasing 100 millimetres (mm) per decade to 500mm by 2050.


The concerning trends that may threaten key economic areas in the Sultanate were raised by Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah at the launch of the directive on the mandatory reporting on greenhouse gas at the Prime Minister’s Office building on Jalan Menteri Besar on Thursday.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin