Sarawak minister clarifies viral voice messages (07.08.2023)
 Posted on : Aug 8, 2023, 11:14AM   109 total views  Category : Local News

Police in Miri have not issued summonses to passengers sitting in the front seat of vehicles found to be using their phones, said Sarawak Transport Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin.


In a statement on Monday, the Sarawak transport minister dispelled three viral voice messages including from a Bruneian warning the public that the police were going after passengers in the front and drivers who touched their phones while vehicles were moving, Borneo Post reported.


“After checking with the Miri police head, he has informed my officer that a summons is only issued to the driver who is caught using handphones while driving, not any of the passengers,” Lee said.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin