RB celebrates World Mental Health Day (13.10.2023)
 Posted on : Oct 14, 2023, 11:41AM   29 total views  Category : Local News

In 2022, Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) took a significant step forward in supporting mental health by establishing the Counselling Section, strengthened by the addition of 13 dedicated members that formed the Peer Support Team, offering motivational talks, facilitated team-building activities, and providing both individual and group counselling for Team RB.


RB’s Chief Executive Officer Captain Sabirin bin Haji Abdul Hamid highlighted the airlines’ efforts during a celebration marking World Mental Health Day 2023 themed ‘Mental Health is a universal human right’.


He said, “Alhamdulillah, at RB, we have been advocating mental health since 2012. As an airline, we have a dedicated commitment to safety and crisis management where we collaborate across departments, implementing Crisis Incident Stress Management, Psychological First Aid training with our Emergency Response Section, and post-incident debriefs following crises.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin