Rising prices bite local bakers (09.05.2022)
 Posted on : May 10, 2022, 10:28AM   18 total views  Category : Local News

BY Azlan Othman

Local bakers face losing customers and dwindling incomes as ingredient prices spike amid a global shortfall.


Home baker Nur Yanti said the price of ingredients she uses for baking has increased.


For example, the Nutella chocolate that is used to make the popular tapak kuda or horseshoe cake has increased from BND6.99 to BND7.99.


The same goes for flour and butter, she said.


“Since the cost of goods has gone up, I have to increase the price of my cakes.


“But that has caused me to lose a few of my customers. Tapak kuda used to be around BND10 for three rolls but profit margin is very low,” she added.


Another home baker, who wished to remain anonymous, said the surge in flour prices has led her to increase the price of her cakes and cookies for Hari Raya.


“Local buyers need to understand that our cost is increasing and we need to make some profit to survive too.


“We cannot be breaking even or making a loss. It is not like we are increasing the prices to burden them,” she said.


Traders and bakers are bracing themselves for a shortage of flour as well as increased prices as the Ukraine conflict shows no sign of easing.


Ukraine is among the world’s largest exporter of wheat.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin