Friday Sermon (2023): Muslims urged to avoid abuse of power (08.12.2023)
 Posted on : Dec 9, 2023, 10:09AM   48 total views  Category : Local News

Muslims are urged not to abuse power such as taking bribes and commit criminal breach of trust (CBT). One should not put own interest ahead of others or use the power or authority as a licence to gain own comfort or for others, said imams at yesterday's Friday sermon.


Abusing power is a cruel act. Abusing power in the public service can affect the public’s trust and negatively impact the nation, added imams.


The Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 131 stipulates offences of misconduct under Section 12A and Section 128, Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 131 – which is using public funds or resources for private purposes or personal interest; giving undue preferential treatment.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin