Brunei Smart Mobility Expo 2023: Cashless payment soon at petrol stations (08.12.2023)
 Posted on : Dec 9, 2023, 10:19AM   53 total views  Category : Local News

Brunei Shell Marketing Company Sdn Bhd (BSM) is looking at introducing cashless payment at petrol stations.


BSM Innovation lead Zaim Ismail shared, “BSM Go Cashless booth is at the Brunei Smart Mobility Expo 2023. It is an initiative to introduce to the public of our new innovation product allowing the public to pay cashless with two solutions; the introduction of Alpha card which is a prepaid card that needs to be topped up. The other is a mobile application called”


He added the cashless card can be topped up over the counter or through the app.

Read more here


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin